Friday, November 28, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
He smiles a lot!
We were filled with joy when we received the following update from our agency:
(baby) can sit, but can't crawl, he moves around on his tummy. He smiles a lot, eats very well. He can pull himself up. He is quiet. He is curious about strangers. He seems a content boy. He has 2 upper and 2 lower teeth. He is a handsome boy with head full of hair. He eats well.
This little snip of information about our sweet boy means so much to me. These little details bring me closer to knowing him. I am so thankful for this glimpse into his personality. And, of course, I can't wait to see his toothy grin! A.
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12:40 PM
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Keywords: update
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Special Treat
We got a special treat last week. We received a new picture of our sweet boy. He still has a wild hair-do, and we LOVE it!
We were uplifted by the site of his sweet face. It is still sad that he is growing older every day without us, but we have faith that he will be coming home to us. The sooner, the better!! A.
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12:15 AM
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Saturday, November 8, 2008
10 Months Old
Dear Sweet Boy, today you are 10 months old. A big day for a little boy. I hope someone hugs you today and that you feel the love we are sending you in our prayers.
I've been looking at your last picture and wondering how you have changed since then. How many teeth do you have? Are you crawling? How long is your hair? So many questions I don't have answers for. I just pray that you feel our love and that you are well taken care of... and that it won't be much longer until we can be together.
This is no doubt the hardest part of our journey. We love you Dear Sweet Boy...
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6:58 PM
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Monday, November 3, 2008
3 Months
It's been just over 3 months since we received our referral for our sweet baby boy. Unfortunately, our travel to bring him home is still months away. Due to delays on both the US and Vietnam sides, we won't be able to bring him home before the end of the year. We had hoped to have him home before his first birthday in January. It now looks more likely that we will not travel until at least March. There is still a chance it could happen sooner, but it is a long shot.
We are trying to stay positive. It is still very hard knowing our baby boy is growing older everyday without us. We long to hold him in our arms and pray that our delays will be resolved soon. This has been one of the hardest parts of our wait.
I hope to have better news to share soon... A
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9:59 PM
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Keywords: Adoption