We were filled with joy when we received the following update from our agency:
(baby) can sit, but can't crawl, he moves around on his tummy. He smiles a lot, eats very well. He can pull himself up. He is quiet. He is curious about strangers. He seems a content boy. He has 2 upper and 2 lower teeth. He is a handsome boy with head full of hair. He eats well.
This little snip of information about our sweet boy means so much to me. These little details bring me closer to knowing him. I am so thankful for this glimpse into his personality. And, of course, I can't wait to see his toothy grin! A.
You have to love this little peek into what our kids are doing and their personalities. Now lets get them home!
Courtney C
I loved getting info on our baby also. I also love the way you put it on your blog. It's so crafty and creative. It will make a great scrapbook for him.
Courtney J.
Aw, you are so lucky to get that information. What a great sneak peek. I hope this finds you a tiny bit of comfort during this torturous wait.
Brodie is soooo sweet, Andrea. I know that this waiting is so hard. I had Catherine's photo for a little over six months and even thought that was almost 8 years ago, I can still remember the WAIT. I am praying that the day will come quickly when you can finally get your arms around that sweet, sweet little guy.
What a cute photo of him! The updates mean the world at this point, and it sounds like he is doing well. I hope he gets to come home soon.
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